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*New Update* – BRL HVAC Modernization Project 05/06/2023

BRL HVAC Modernization Project Update (05/06/24)

Between May 8th and 17th, an essential part of the BRL renovation project will take place, which will involve the demolition of concrete structures in the mechanical spaces located in basement of the BRL near the cage wash room and the west end of the BRL first floor. This demolition phase will result in intermediate to high levels of noise daily between 6 am and 2 pm. During this time, research staff should limit their movement through the BRL south basement corridor that runs along the dirty side of the cage wash area as the contractor team will be moving debris out of the building through this corridor. The following steps have been taken to mitigate the impact of the noise and
associated vibration:

1. Animal rooms near the respective mechanical spaces have been vacated.
2. Environmental sentinels capable of monitoring noise and vibration levels will be placed in animal rooms contiguous to the high noise/vibration zone as deemed necessary. It should be noted that most construction noise falls well below the auditory threshold of mice.

BRL staff will be closely monitoring noise and vibration levels during this time. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact a member of the BRL veterinary staff.