The Biologic Resources Laboratory and Animal Care Committee have developed and approved policies and guidelines to facilitate research and ensure regulatory compliance, animal welfare, and best practices.
Policies and guidelines Heading link
Animal Facility User Policy
The Animal Facility User Policy is designed to complement the UIC Animal Care Committee’s Animal Care Policy and to ensure a safe and secure working environment for staff and animals.
ACC Policies and Guidelines
The UIC Animal Care Committee has developed and approved policies and guidelines to facilitate research and ensure regulatory compliance, animal welfare and best practices.
Occupational Health Program
To ensure regulatory and accrediting agency compliance, the UIC Animal Care Committee has developed and approved an occupational health program for faculty, staff, students, volunteers and visitors who work with or in close proximity to vertebrate animals.
- Occupational Health Program for Individuals with Animal Contact Policy
- Informational brochure on the UIC occupational health program and health concerns associated with working in a laboratory animal facility
Anesthetic and Analgesic Formulary