Animal Procurement

Please be advised that vendors make adjustments on animal costs, products, and services as needed.  Please contact the BRL front office staff for current pricing information.

Animal Order Request Process Heading link

UIC policy requires that laboratory research animals be procured through the BRL. The choice of vendor and the animal specifications are the responsibility of the principal investigator. For questions regarding specific animal models or information on animal supplier, please contact a member of the veterinary staff.

The veterinary staff receives comprehensive health status reports from the vendors, which are used to monitor the quality of animals from each supplier. Approved vendors are those that satisfy specific health requirements. A vendor is considered a non-approved source when the health status is unknown or unsatisfactory. Sources with unknown health status may require quarantine at an additional cost. There is a mandatory quarantine period for all dogs, pigs, and nonhuman primates.

The following is required to submit an online order request for research animals:

  • ACC approval for the species and quantity requested
  • Approved protocol (ACC) number
  • Active BRL account

Orders are assigned a BRL reference number at the time of submission. Once order is confirmed by vendor, the BRL office sends a confirmation notification with an estimated date of delivery or offer based on request availability.

Animal charges are billed at actual vendor invoice cost, in addition to the administrative fee for each order request. For questions regarding animal orders, please contact the business office during normal business hours.

Animals are delivered to the specific approved animal housing facility upon arrival. Investigators receive an animal arrival notification for each order. For assistance in locating your animals or for more information, please contact the receiving office.

Should an issue arise with the condition of the requested animals, the BRL business office will work with the supplier to resolve the situation. An examination of the shipping crate and animals is performed by BRL staff. Any abnormalities such as damaged crates, diseased animals, or other unsatisfactory conditions are reported to the supplier and to the investigator.

If animals are to be used immediately, the request should indicate animals are to be picked up at the time of arrival. Delivery to other on campus facilities is available. Please note pick up and delivery requests may incur additional fees.

Animal Request Forms Heading link

Submit requests to purchase, import or export laboratory animals to other institutions and/or collaborators.

Animal Order Requests: This request should be completed for rodent orders from commercial sources including Charles River, Envigo, and Jackson Laboratories and for other species such as dogs, pigs, fish, turtles, toads, etc from other commercial vendor sources.

Rodent Import Requests (formerly non-approved vendor requests): This request should be completed for any rodent orders that are placed from a vendor not listed on the animal ordering request or if rodents will be imported from another institution.

Rodent Export Requests (formerly shipment requests): This request should be completed for any transfer of rodents to another institution.